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Since 2000 Adriana Yazbek - graduated from FAUUSP - leads her studio of architecture, scenography, art and design.  Her work is defined by its transversal character and its theme cores: color, light and sustainability. Everything is design - spaces, sculptures, objects, they are different scales within the same process.

These multiple layers and scales of action connect and inspire the entire assembly of her work, becoming a starting point for new investigations.

As an architect, she develops projects and renovations in which architecture and scenography are integrated. As a designer, she has also undertaken training projects in communities since 2004, collaborating in the improvement and development of products for income generation.

She has been working with paper and fabric for over 20 years, developing sculptures, installations, lamps and design objects. Her inventions reaffirm the value of handcraft within the creative and poetic possibilities of contemporary art and design. Her studio is a laboratory of technical research and aesthetic experimentation.



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